Friday, August 2, 2013

August 26th, Random Act of Kindness for Sophia Marilyn

I.. have a confession. My name is Kristina Seymour, and I'm a gymboree addict. Thats right. I LOVE gymboree. Vintage Gymboree.. to be exact. I love it so much, i spend at least 20 minutes daily on buy/sell/trade facebook pages... yup. It's bad. BUT. This.. this is amazing. The day after the birth/loss of my daughter, I got this messaged to my inbox. Who did this? An amazing momma and her babies from that vintage gymboree buy sell trade facebook page. Thats right. Someone I didn't even know. And.. you know what that inspired??? 

My cousins started a facebook event... a way to help inspire others to do a random act of kindness within their community, all for little Sophia. BUT. Want to know a secret? It makes me smile that really, it's NOT for Sophia. It's for the reciever, and for the givers heart. So many things in this crazy world seem unfair. People cut in line. NOT fair. People drive like they are the ONLY important person on the road... NOT fair. Your coffee that normally costs 3.87 went up 20 cents.. NOTTTT fair. But to think that on the 26th of August, (which is also another one of my cousins Birthdays, BTW) so many people are going to have a VERY Fair day... I know Butterfly is smiling as much as I am thinking about it.  
SO. Without further ado, Here is the link to the event. PLEASE Share it. There is a link to the website this lady used. The annual day is the 27th of July, and we'd LOVE for you to participate then as well. For now, mark your calendars for August 26th (a month after Butterflies Birthday), and plan on spreading a smile like it was the plague!! 

AND. Please share photos of the way you spread kindness in your area! My cousin will update the event as the time gets closer, and I'll also have a link to my email. I'll be posting your stories, photos, and they will also be put in Sophia's Memory Book. 

And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.” Luke 3:11

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