Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Placental Abruption... Say WHAT? (and a SPOILER!)

So... being the RTIM that I am (comment if you know what that means :P ), I have to research and know EVERYTHING about things... and it's stupid rediculous. Placental Abruptions are RARE. They happen to 1 in 100 pregnancies.. in varying degrees. Apparently, 1 in 10 premature births before 37 weeks, happen because of a placental abruption. You can have a mild placental abruption, and have a perfectly fine baby months later. Or, you can have what I had, and have a sudden complete placental abruption, and have a still birth. Obviously, what I had is rare.. very rare.
Whats funny to me is the March Of Dimes list of "causes"

Got this list HERE:
  • You have an infection in your uterus.
  • Your water breaks before 37 weeks.
  • You had an abruption in a previous pregnancy.
  • You have problems with the uterus or umbilical cord.

NONE of these were associated to my placental abruption. There are a TON of Here is the REALITY I've come to find out from my support group: 

IF You have had a placental abruption, blood clots, multiple early losses and ectopics.. you PROBABLY have a blood clotting disorder during pregnancy.


Uhm. Is this PUNKED? DO i really get to meet ashton kutcher?? (thats the dude right?) 
Early losses? Check.
Ectopics? Check ch-check.
Placental abruption and blood clots... CHECK.

Oh snaps... 

SO basically, in 2 weeks when I have my post partum check, I get to sign up for MORE blood draws (I hate needles... :/) and hopefully we can have a sucsessful pregnancy in the future.

You heard that right.

We have EVERY intention of making SURE Sophia is a Big Sister <3 ((there is your spoiler!))

I'm pretty certain she'd want that.

So. These blood clotting disorders apparently have some things you can do to prevent loss again.. including taking a baby asprin.. and... GULP... DOUBLE GULP.. daily INJECTIONS. :/ ((DID I mention I hate needles??)) Hubby is all for taking over this procedure if it's needed... His exact words "Sure.. I'll stab you!" as he made a very humorous stabbing motion with the most warrior like noises... Hes a goober. 

I will also be demanding that I'm considered high-risk.. though I'm sure all i have to do is sign my name on something and it will light up and say "This lady sucks at carying babies to term... WATCH HER CLOSELY". AND I will be demanding that no matter "when" March of Dimes thinks my baby is "OK" to come out... 37 weeks ON THE DOT I'm induced, or I will be drinking a bottle of castor oil and admitting myself.. (not really.. but i will go into the ER DAILY.. and throw a fit.... and it WONT be pretty) 

IF i do have this blood clotting disorder... Sophia could very well have SAVED my life... because I could have bled to death with her. I could have had her, and been completley fine.. just to get pregnant again unknowingly to the condition and then suffered an abruption and THEN died... 

IF i don't.. I will be highly surprised.. 

BUT. I hope you enjoyed the spoiler, and stick around! We have lots of things to share in the coming weeks!!
Oh. Tomorrow is my Hubby's Birthday!! Leave him a comment! <3

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