Friday, October 11, 2013

Pregnancy and Stillbirth Awareness Day- October 15th- Challenge

We are approaching a day, that I hope will be wonderful.

October seems to be a hard month for bereaved parents in general... but I think thats a good thing.

I think, that sometimes, we tend to forget we lost our child. We build up our walls around the emotions that we had in the beginning.. very slowly... and we forget what it is like.

Maybe that's just me though.

October isn't just a day to remember OUR babies.. and our losses.

It's a day to remember that we aren't alone.. and that some moms are going through thier loss.. right now. This VERY second.

Every 26 minutes in the United States.. to be exact.

That's a scary statistic... isn't it? EVERY 26 minutes, a mom that carried her baby to at least 20 weeks... give birth to a silent child.

I have a challenge for you, for this day.

Pray about how you can help your local hospital... or one where you gave birth. Crochet hats, donate small baby clothes and items... purchase hand/footprint molds and donate them... or even see about being trained as a bereavement counselor. If you have one hour a month that you can dedicate to this cause... think of how many mom's you can help.

I also want to challenge you to make one phone call to one mom who lost her baby on October 15th, and simply tell them, you haven't forgotten their baby, and that you hope that day is special. Light a candle for that baby at 7:00 that night, and take a photo and give it to them. You have NO idea how much that will mean to them.

If you can attend a celebration.. do so. Be a listener.. a hugger... and pray for the moms, and families.

If you attend a celebration, light a candle, or anything in our daughters honor, please Email us at so that we can include the story or photo in our posting for October 15th.

If you have experienced a loss, please write your babies names, birth or loss day, and anything you want us to know about them. I will be praying over each family on this posting on the 15th, and lighting a candle for them. <3

Share this post with anyone this may help.

God Bless <3


  1. Dreden William George July 21st 2013 ♥

  2. Bentley Layne Giguere ♥
    September 30, 2013


Please leave a comment, and have a wonderful day!