Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 17: Your body is a TEMPLE!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own  1 Corinthians 6:19

It holds a soul that belongs to the highest, and should be treated as such.
BUT let me tell you that after 9 months of you stomach expanding (and other things) and feeling Blah, you tend to forget that. YOUR body is Sacred.
After having a baby, stillborn or not, early miscarraige or 12lber, your body changes. A lot. It becomes a place where life was made, and created, and where it was taken. It becomes the place where you remember tiny kicks, or flutters, or the slight expansion of your tummy. It becomes.. more than a body.
Your body is a temple.

I haven't had a change in hair for years. I normally do the same cut, and if i get it colored, its the same black on bottom, highlights, peek a boo red that I've always gotten. Today... Today I KNEW my hair needed a change, I needed new clothes, and I needed a chance to talk about her to a stranger. I put on some prepregnancy clothes that actually fit, and told myself that today was the day I needed to change, and start living fuller, and taking risks.

Sigh. What did i get myself into.

I don't know many salons in the area, so i decided on JCPenneys salon. A man...ish.. teenage? Not sure.. took my name and entered me in the computer and I was kinda bummed.. I really didn't want to talk to HIM about Sohpia. Thankfully, God knew I needed a woman, and one came out to the waiting room to take me back. She asked the question I was waiting for, and I spilled my guts about Sophia. I let her tell me she was sorry, and I held back tears, and I began to feel... free. She asked what I wanted to do with my hair, and I told her free range, do anything you want. Her first response... "How do you feel about bangs?"

Ironically.. Hubby has been begging me for over a year to get bangs.. to just TRY it. He doesn't like short hair, so the only peramitor I had was it had to be below my shoulders. She was good with that, and started washing my hair.

We chatted, and I learnt this woman who was cutting my hair had TRIPLETTS. Not only that, she raised them, by herself after a divorce. Her daughters are a year younger than me. I'm pretty sure God had this planned. We talked about everything, like normal during a haircut, and I felt... safe.

As we spoke, I suddenly realized something. The subjects that used to make me irritated, or upset, didn't. The "big issues" of my life, were now so insignificant. My step-daughter and the crazy situation there, God has it, so why worry? What was I going to do with my life, I have no idea now, but I TRUST God in it. My kids, and their future? I know they will be just fine. I needed this talk... I needed the change. I wanted to feel normal, but in reality i realized i will never be "normal" again. My entire life has changed, for the better.

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