Saturday, November 22, 2014


The title says it all! The Seymour family is adopting a baby girl!

We are beyond excited, nervous.... hopeful...

Hopeful. That is a word I haven't commited to in a long time.
How amazing is it!?! (((TOTALLY AMAZING!)))

So, I'm sure you're wondering why the sudden change in everything...

We've gone back and forth for a long time between the risks associated with another pregnancy, and the risk of adoption, and we simply realized that it didn't make sense.

   We've lost 7/9 pregnancies.
   Risk of death: I should have died in 2/9 pregnancies.. and have high risks for the same problem repeating.
  Slight risk of not finding a child.
  Slight risk of finding a child, and then losing that child.

Obviously... adoption is less risky in terms of death for me.

Also... I'm adopted. Our families are full of adoption stories.. so.. it makes the most sense!

Just a bit of awesome info.. my husband's uncle has over 20 siblings! Most are adopted, and some are special needs! Can you say that we have AMAZING support in the way of eperience? So inspiring!

So.. what does that mean for us? A new blog.
I need to open a new chapter in our life. It's hard to come back here.. and write the same emotions at different stages over and over.. as much as I want to.

So. The Seymours are adopting a baby girl!
It takes a village.
God's Village.
We're so ready for this ride! I hope you'll join us!


  1. Except. had your own baby boy :)

  2. Kristina - Congrats on your adoption. You have a wonderful family. I had a question on an older post and was curious if you had a moment - You can reach me directly at virgilnci(@) - I appreciate your time


Please leave a comment, and have a wonderful day!